About Sinusitis
Sinus or medically called as sinusitis in an infection which happens when swelling and inflammation occurs in nasal cavities. It is caused due to virus. In normal condition sinuses contain air, but when they get blocked and filled with liquid, germs may grow which results in infection.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
- Congestion in nose, difficulty in breathing.
- Ear pain
- Nausea
- Change in voice
- Think greenish discharge from the nose, or drainage at the back of your throat.
- Swelling and pain around your nose, eyes, forehead and cheeks.
- Patient may not be able to smell and taste properly.
- Cough which may become more during night time.
Both acute and chronic sinus shares same symptoms, but acute sinus is a temporary problem which is usually related with cold. Chronic sinus remains for longer duration and causes more trouble. In chronic sinus, a patient will never get fever, but it might come in acute sinus.
Causes of Sinusitis
Sinus is caused because of viral infection which leads to inflammation in sinuses and mucous membrane. Swelling occurs in mucous membrane due to inflammation, which blocks the drainage of liquid from sinuses into throat and nose. Fluid and liquid present in sinuses leads to pressure and pain. Bacterial growth happens in sinuses in such situations, because of liquid’s inability to drain properly.
Usually cold also happens in this way, but any infection which causes inflammation in mucous membrane leads to sinusitis.
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